Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tonight at work I am trying to stay awake by working on my new website. Sleep wants to come, and am drinking coffee and going for little walks just to stay awake. I even had the luxury of sleeping almost a full 8 hrs. today! Wow! That hasn't happened in a while.
The new doggie is working out great. She is an amazing dog! Very calm and very well behaved. She is part terrior and part yorkie. We named her Shadow, because she never leaves my side. She is a real blessing to me!
She is a rescue. I didn't want a dog, but when I saw her, I just knew we were meant for each other! She loves everyone in the family, including my ex husband! She does not play favorites...she will give kisses to all!
I will get some pictures posted on here of her. She is a sweetie.
I am scouring the net for free or cheap businesses people can do from home online. I am not going to be listing stuff like typing or surveys, or stuff like that. I am looking for "real" legitimate businesses that one can grow to their hearts desire without limitations.
Well, off for more coffee. The new website is looking good, take a look, and remember it is in progress! www.darkstarcreations.weebly.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This keeps me awake at night.

Pooch Press