Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I Can't Wait To Be Working From Home Fulltime!

I am so motivated to be working from home fulltime! The gas prices are ridiculous and I drive far every day.
I am getting tired of my job. Well, the job isn't terrible, but I usually come home stressed out. I am an over the phone computer and peripheral tech, imagine the day I must have! LOL!
The thing is, I truly love helping people, but come on, do you really think your extended warranty will cover a "Pig ate my laptop"? Seriously, I did have a call like that.
So, in my endeavor to work from home, I have MY POWER MALL and I have applied for a work at home position that seems VERY Promising!
I am not making the $$ I should be at my company because I am on a raise freeze, along with several hundred other folk who were hired around the same time I was, although the new hires are coming in making more $$ than us. I have been a tech at this company for 2 and 1/2 yrs. This is ridiculous and morale is terrible.
I am trying to motivate my MY POWER MALL (MPM) team members to add 1 new person this month.
That is VERY attainable.
If anyone has any ideas of who might like a free mall, feel free to give out my link!


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