Thursday, May 15, 2008

I have seen some posts recently about MPM that seem harsh.

I don't rightly know what to make of these posts. It does concern me somewhat, but my experience with MPM so far has been fine. I have not had any problems with my shopping or the level of quality. I wonder why some people are posting so negatively about My Power Mall.
I believe that if someone goes into any business, that they need to expect slow growth at first. I don't know anyone who has started a business that was legitimate, that got "rich quick".
I don't personally know anyone that has money that it hasen't taken them a time to aquire that money.
I wonder if some of the hype people feel at the beginning of a business has worn off and the newness is gone, which leaves them exhausted and not seeing the growth that they thought they would immediately.
I know that some things seem too good to be true, but I also know that people really need to go into business without the rose colored glasses.
I hope that the negativity stops, but I am still positive that this is a company that is worth being a part of.
I still love MY POWER MALL and I know my downline does also. I will continue to grow slowly and steadily. I am keeping my "day job". I don't think it is wise to stop working unless you have been making more money than your current income for 5 months in a row, steadily.
I think wisdom is the key for anything.
If you would like to sign up for MY POWER MALL please go to : and sign up for a free business mall.

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