Is My Power Mall A Pyramid?
Simply put, a pyramid relies upon those involved paying to participate. This is probably the single most important factor. In a pyramid, the participants pay a fee and that fee is used to pay those who recruited them. Further, pyramids typically do not offer a real product or service (although they may attempt to veil their activities with a product).
So, the only way to recoup one's investment is by signing up other people. In other words, any earning comes almost exclusively from others paying fees to join.
So, at the most basic level, pyramids are illegal because they take people's money, even when there's no real product from which to benefit and even when the so-called "earning opportunity" is derived from others paying money to earn as well.
It's a shell game that unfairly leaves someone holding the bag, which is why it's illegal. It's a consumer protection issue.
Some people are confused because My Power Mall offers payouts on multiple generations, but My Power Mall in no way resembles a pyramid.
Here are just a few reasons:
-My Power Mall is 100% free. There are no fees to join and no hidden costs, such as "training materials", etc.
-My Power Mall is 100% free. There are no fees to join and no hidden costs, such as "training materials", etc.
-The revenue comes from an outside source (the retailers) for whom My Power Mall provides a valuable service. Those rebates are shared with the members.
-My Power Mall provides a real and valuable service to their members as well (access to savings at places that people enjoy shopping).
-There is absolutely no obligation to participate in the referral program to benefit from their service.
-My Power Mall has invested heavily in tools and technologies to help members succeed and give it all away free.
-This is a win-win situation that allows My Power Mall to give money to members rather than take it from them.
-This is a win-win situation that allows My Power Mall to give money to members rather than take it from them.
It's smart and it represents a new model.
To join for free visit:
This is ideal and should be a priority for people to see. First thing people say is that its a scam, or do not trust, sounds fishy, etc. Because of what has happend to people in the past and what the news scares people into believing, causes people to "shut out" the idea that this is actually a good thing.
Yeah, I think so, too. People are leary these days, so word of mouth advertising is the way to go. People have been led astray by pyramids and have been unsuccessful with MLM and just feel that MY POWER MALL is the same as these. My Power Mall is neither a pyramid nor MLM. People just "assume" and that's too bad. They are missing out on a good thing.
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